Globalization and Constraints on Government Powers

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran.


In this era, human growth and progress in various sciences have been remarkable, so that the performance of the government has also been affected. Industrialization, progress and development of new communication and transportation technologies, urbanization, emergence of capitalism, growth and development of social division of labor, commercialization and commodification of economic relations are among the things that have caused the phenomenon of globalization. The mentioned cases can be effective on the activities of the government, especially for developing countries where the role of the government in the economy is very large. Due to the fact that the government plays a very important role in the economy and political decisions of a country, therefore, it is very important to examine the issues affecting the government's activities. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, in this research, the impact of globalization on the Constraints on Government Powers in developing countries for the period 2012-2020 has been investigated. A panel regression analysis for 61 developing countries shows that political and social globalization has a positive and significant effect on the level of non-governmental organizations' monitoring of government power. But economic globalization has a positive and non-significant effect. A higher level of economic development has a positive effect and the abundance of natural resources has a negative effect on the level of and Constraints on Government Powers. In other words, the increase in social communication and the integration of more developing countries in the international political system leads to an increase in the supervision of non-governmental organizations over the power of the government. Considering that the phenomenon of globalization is one of the most important issues of the world and considering that developing countries including Iran are affected by this phenomenon, it is suggested that the government should facilitate globalization in order to increase efficiency in the economy.


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